Thursday, September 10, 2009

The President's Address to American Students: Your chance to talk back!

While the president's speech lacked any of the controversy that many had expected, it did raise some important questions that I think deserve a closer look.

In the days leading up to President Obama's speech, there was a lot of talk about schools or classes boycotting the speech, about parents refusing to allow their children to view the speech, and even of kid's themselves choosing to "opt-out." As a history teacher I began to worry, "Is this kind of reaction good for our democracy?" I, of course, believe that dissent is healthy in our kind of system. People should speak up when they disagree with our political leaders. Not only is this a fundamental right, but our civic duty to do so. What do you think about this? Should students be exposed to views from all sides? Why?

Having now watched the speech, and given its straight forward message, what do you think about it? Do you think that the president was right to avoid discussing any of the big political issues of the day?

I talked with a few 8th grade students after they viewed the speech in class, and they thought that it was the same kind of message that they hear from their teachers and parents all of the time - stay in school, work hard , and so on. If that is true, then does that kind of message have a bigger impact on students when they hear it from someone like the president? If so, why?

Finally, I think it is worth comparing the president's speech to those of some of his predecessors. Watch the speeches of Presidents Reagan and Bush (the 1st President Bush) provided below. How are they different or similar to President Obama's in style and substance? Who's is most powerful? Which do you think had a bigger impact on students when they were delivered? Do you think that speeches like this are worth a president time to prepare or deliver?

I look forward to your comments.

President Obama's Speech

President Obama’s Message for America’s Students from White House on Vimeo.

Click here for President Bush's Speech.

President Reagan's Speech

As always, I encourage you to share your work with your parents. I also welcome parent comments on our blog.


Unknown said...

I belive Ronald Reagan focused more on voting and people, were as Obama focussed on schoolwork.

Bdood said...

I agree with chase I heard him mention econimics which kids have no idea with it is

Bdood said...

sorry I spelled economics wrong

Scott said...

I agree with Chase and Brandon Obama mainly focused on schoolwork and books.

Scott said...

I think that it was very appropriate not to mention kind of Obama to take the time out of his day of political issues to talk to the kids of America

Scott said...

I believe that hearing work hard and pay attention, and don't give up are much more influential coming from the president but I'm not sure why

Alex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Chase quoted, "I belive Ronald Reagan focused more on voting and people, were as Obama focussed on schoolwork." I agree with that while obama was talking more about how we are the future and how we can do wrong and still redeem ourselves and it really got kind of deep. Obama's speech really touched me

Alex said...

I agree about ronald reagan. I like obama's speech

Allison B said...

I thought Obama's Speech was okay, I agree with Chase's first comment.

Aaron Crawford said...

Ronald Reagan's speech talks about America and the Constitution. Obama's says nothing about the Constitution.

Aaron Crawford said...

I agree with Chase but I liked Reagan's speech better.

Unknown said...

I liked Obama's speech alot more. He talked about us being the future and that made me feel really good.

nick said...

alot of kids asked reagan about owning guns it was weird, he also pointed uot drugs alot

nick said...

sorry i misspelled out

Unknown said...

I agree with Chase because Obama did focus on persuading children to stay in school.Ronald Regan focused on informing on voting and politics. On the other hand Obama did kinda focus on voting and politics but not as much as how important school is. Obama did also spoke on how he grew up and that he understands how some of us kids feel.He also says that you have to loose to win.

Unknown said...

Belinda is Karmyn Mr.Veliz

Aaron Crawford said...

I liked how in Ronald Reagan's speech he let the kids ask questions.

clubpenguin cheats said...


Ok i know you all are talking about something else but i couldn't stop thinking about this.I think he just chose a random school and focuses more on other people hearing it not the school hearing it.

clubpenguin cheats said...


But going to a school is a pretty good ideae to me.

clubpenguin cheats said...

sorry i spelled idea wrong

Unknown said...

I think it is awesome that you guys all agreed with me.

Aaron Crawford said...

I think you are wright Adam

P.S. I am a republican

Aaron Crawford said...

chase that is because you said something everyone thought was true

Aaron Crawford said...

Brandon some kids do know economics are

Scott said...

I agree with Troy and David I felt kind of honored that The president thinks of us as the future

Scott said...

But Obama is right we could save the world from cancer in a few years.

Aaron Crawford said...

Ronald Reagan says those kids are the future to.

Kacie said...

I also agree with Chase. Before I read the comments I was going to say ,almost, the same thing as him.
P.S. I tried to watch Bush's speech but it wouldn't let me, I clicked on it and nothing happened, I waited a while and still nothing happened, I guess I will try again later.

Jayson said...

I think president Obama is a very smart man and he knows how to talk to kids especially well having two of his own.

Ben said...

i agree how chase was talking about how reagan focused more on voting and obama focused on schoolwork

Anonymous said...

I think that more students should have listened to Obama's speech Beacuse if kids aren't exposed to both sides beacause if not how can they don't they how will they be able to make dissicions that might benifit the country and the world in the future.

Robert said...

I think that more students should have listened to President Obama's speech beacuse if kids aren't exposed to both sides how will they be able to make decisions that might benefit the country and the world in the future.

I thought that President Obama did not need to discuss politics in his speech because it would have taken importance away from his message on education.

I thought Presidents Reagan & Bush should have spoken more about the importance of education & less about politics.

I think that the speeches like this one are worth the President's time because it enforces the fact that education is an important factor in a person's life and their country.

nick said...

i agree with robert kids should get a chance to choose, if they want to watch they should get a chance to because it might make a big differance in the future.

JB said...

I also agree with Chase, I also liked that in President Ronald Reagan Spech he let the fellow high school students ask questions unlike Obama did.

Kendra said...

i belive the presdent's speech was encourging,but also he could've spoken about our consitutional rights as students.

Kendra said...

Obama as being the president was treated as one on the day of his speech.but in my eyes he only sounded as a teacher or parent i can understand him having 2 kids of his own and all.

Unknown said...

Pretty good start. A couple of points: pay attention to spelling; if you have several thoughts, combine them into one comment, remember to use good grammar. Keep it up!

Kendra said...

agreeing wih Chase i also belive

Kendra said...

that obama focused more on acidemicks. as ronald reagan didn't seem to have a care for i could understand he wanted people to vote for the things that he belived the county needed and that's okay but he should've mentioned more than he did about acidemics

Ben said...

ya what nic is saying is right if kids want to watch it they should be able to

Ben said...

kids should be able to overrule their parents if they wanted to watch it

Ben said...

or on second thought they should at least be able to ask there there parents to watch it

Robert said...

I believe that what President Obama said reinforces what our parents & teachers tell us all the time. I also think that children should be able to make their own decisions & and make arguments with their peers & parents if they want to partake in or observe something they believe is important.

nick said...

i think your right robert kids should argue with their parents if they want to see it and the parents dont want them to

Amelia said...

I like Ronald Reagans speach the same as Obama's because Ronald is talking about the constitution, voting and other things like that and Obama is talking about the future and about school.

I like Obama's because talking about the future makes me feel like I can make a change like the environment and money situationsand that kind of stuff.

I like Ronald Reagans because he is talking about drugs and how you do NOT want to do them. Also he talks about voting. I am glade he talks about voting because back then girls/women could not vote and I am happy that was changed!

JB said...

For the first question Mr.Veliz posted it said, Do you think students should be exposed to all sides? I say definitely because in a couple years we'll be in charge of who our leaders are. But where do we learn about the other side. I heard Obama's side but what about the Republican side of the issues.

JB said...

Now for the second question Mr.Veliz posted, about if it was right for Obama to avoid discussing the big political issues in his spech and I say yes because that's not what his speech was about so he didn't need to at the time. His speech was about how kids should stay in school and how important a education is.

JB said...

I think that if the president says something to kids it has more of an effect on us. When I compare all the presidents’ speeches, I think that they are very different. In Reagan’s speech he talked about the constitution and he let the students ask questions. Both Bush's and Obama’s speech were about staying in school and how important an education is and they didn't let the student's ask questions.

JoshC said...

Obama had great comments about the importance of eduation. We all want to get a job one day and make a lot of money. You can not get a decent job without learning a trade. All of the Presidents had great words to share with the world.

Unknown said...

I think that JB was correct on #1. We should be exposed to all the sides.

Zach C. said...

I agree with Scott that more people would pay attition to the President than a school teacher.

Zach C. said...

I think that President Bush's speech was the best because he stated the future.

Unknown said...

I think students would pay more attention to the President too. He is the ruler of the free world and the position demands attention on a different level than that of a teacher.

Zach C. said...

Why was Ronald Regans Speech so long?

Zach C. said...

I almost feel a sleep!

Zach C. said...

I miss spelled fell.

Anonymous said...


I think that Bushes and obamas speaches were short and straight to the point.

I also agree with chase.

Daniel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Every President has issues that he feels is important and that is what he talks about. The President addresses problems that face the world like a high drop out rate amoung students. This will effect our world later on.

Zach C. said...

The diffrences of the three video's are they talk about different causes. Like how President Obama talks about school work.President Regan states about weapons. And President Bush explains about drugs.

Zach C. said...

I will be back on in a little bit. I have other homework to finish.

Daniel said...

I think that Obama was just saying the same thing as Bush.

Robert said...

When I said "children should be able to make their own decisions & and make arguments with their peers & parents" I meant they should be able to defend & support their ideas.

It is important to be exposed to what President Obama had to say & I think that the people who did not what the speech should have wanted to because, as I stated earlier, it is important to be exposed to both sides of the story.

Leonardo said...

Reagons speech was not focusing on school work much.It was talken about stuff like government, while Bush and Obama were talken about school and the importance of the subjects that you take.

Leonardo said...

I agree with Kendra and Chace

Lillian said...

I agree with Chase Obama's speech mostly focussed on schoolwork and the future of the United States.

Lillian said...

I believe that Ronald Reagan's speech was well thought out; just not for kids, it was more of an adult speech I think he should have made it simpler. It wouldn't let me watch president Bush's speech.

Jasmine said...

I prefered Obama's speech. He made me actually want to listen to his speech. Obama is discussing school, rights, and he is relating back to his "childhood." I think that makes readers think that if he had to deal with waking up at 4:30 in the morning, we can deal with waking up at 8:30. Ronald Reagan was just talking about the constitution and laws, It really didnt interest me at all.

I REALLY enjoyed Obama's speach because i think that he did a very good job discussing the details and he related it back to when he was young, and if he had to deal with all that as a kid, and he became the President of The United States, then that can push us to be ANYTTHING we want to be! I give Obama's speach a 10/10

Ronald Reagan really didn't interest me at all. He just discussed the "Laws" and the Constitution. Really, to me it didn't engage me to do anything.
the one part I enjoyed through the speech was that he asked questions to the students and that really showed me that he cared and wanted to here what "The People" had to say and ask. I would give it a 5/10 or a 5 1/2.

I did enjoy both of the speeches but I think that Obama's speech was very informing and i really enjoyed every second of it!

Kendra said...

I belive that Obama made most everyone feel specialby saying that we are the future.i've never felt so encouraged or so belived in. he really made feel good about myself. I also think that everyone can make a change whether its saving a tree, or just maybe taking a stray dog to the vet.

carrie said...

i agree whith kendra every body can make a change even if its planting a tree

Scott said...

I think that it is one thing to persist if you want to watch the speech but it is another thing entirely to argue but that being said I think it is unfair that parents and teachers aren't allowing children to watch President Obama's speech.

Scott said...

I hope that my comments were helpful

Jayson said...

I agree with Scott

Obama's speech spoke directly to the children of America. If you are not going to let kids watch their own president's speech, then I believe you are not completely fulfilling your job as an American citizen.

Unknown said...

I agree with Josh

Presidents always talk about things they want to.

Unknown said...

I thought the speech was important because the President was telling us to work hard on our schoolwork and this reinforced what we hear from our parents and teachers.

Anonymous said...

are still able to blog

Zach C. said...

I agree with Jasmine that President Obama's speech made you want to listen.

Zach C. said...

There was nothing wrong with Presidents Obama's speech. They should let kids have the choice of watching or not.

miranda said...

really all that obama focussed on was schoolwork, and reagan focussed on the people and thier votes,i'm not being mean and im not saying what,but i think they could do alot better and acheve more if they put thier heads together.

Kendra said...

i stongly agree with miranda. they coud've made the best,most encouraging,& most persueding speach most people have heard. if onlt they had put their ideas together.

Kendra said...

i think kids really should have been able to make their decision. sure some of them would've chosen not to but that's just probly because they or their parents did not like obama. but what if say i was a democrat, and my mom was a republican and told me i couldn't watch the speech and but i still wanted to watch it.yet i still wouldn't have been able to watch it.

Unknown said...

Obama's speech was more on the topic of American students. Such as books and schoolwork and how we are going to be the future. I feel that Ronald Reagan's speech was mainly about how our country leads other countries to be more like us. He also talked about the money problems (economics)of our country. I rarely heard anything about students education. My computer would not let me pull up Bush's speech, so I cannot comment on it.

nick said...

This is Nick's Dad.

Parents monitor what their children watch for many reasons. Sometimes the content is not appropriate for children of certain ages or they feel a particular program is no worth watching. However, not allowing your children to watch the President speak because the parents do not believe in his politics or policies is probably not the best use of television monitoring.

Children need to be exposed to many points of view. This allows you all to mold your own well educated opinions. Not listening to the other side with an open mind can stifle growth.

Do not just "argue" with your parents about what you want to watch. Present them with a well thought out plan on why you should be allowed to watch any program. Hopefully they will be open to listening and you and your parents can make an informed decision on what you TV viewing habits are.

I am very impressed with all of you and your comments on this subject. Keep up the good work.

Mary H said...

i beleive for some people it has a huge impact but for others it was a regular speech spoken by a powerful man and so effecting many but in all sorts of ways some persuasively and others to feel adult and have good priviledges but i will say it has increased scores and had a very realistic effect on our countries people